Dental Implants Are Covered By Insurance - But Not All Plans Do!

Are dental implants covered by insurance in California? Most basic dental insurance plans do not usually cover a complete dental implant procedure. Instead, you will have to check into additional cosmetic dental option coverage, that often covers only a portion of an implant. Your dental implant plan may only be 50% of the entire cost, meaning that your insurance only covers half of the total procedure.

Dental Implants are a very expensive treatment, and your insurance may only pay for a portion of it. Insurance companies expect you to pay for the entire surgical cost, and then they will cover the remainder, known as the 'annual maximum.' This is the total amount that your insurance company will pay out, even if the dental implants are not used. This is done so that your insurance will not have to absorb any additional financial risk, should you have any unforeseen medical conditions, or other conditions that can arise in the future. It is also done to protect your best interests in case something happens, wherein the dental implant fails during the procedure, and you need to be taken to a different dentist.

To determine what, if anything, is covered by your dental insurance policies in California, you will need to contact your company directly. Most companies offer this service on their websites, and it is incredibly easy to obtain. Just visit their website, and find out what types of procedures are covered by your plan. If it is an extensive list, and if you happen to have any pre-existing conditions, it will require you to contact your current dentist to inquire about coverage options. They are obligated to tell you if there are dental implants that are not currently covered by your policy.

However, many medical insurance may cover dental implants if you have certain conditions. Your plan may cover dental implant procedures performed for both aesthetic and functional purposes, as long as the purpose does not conflict with the treatment you receive. It is important to note that most insurance plans do not cover cosmetic procedures, such as tooth whitening, bridges, crowns, implants, and other similar services. If your goal is simply to have a "cure" your teeth, these are not usually covered. However, your plan may cover these if they are necessary to treat a serious tooth problem.

Many insurance companies also do not offer any dental implants, if they are considered to be medically unnecessary. Some companies only offer coverage if the condition is already advanced. If you have severe pain that has lasted for several weeks or months, and if it has resulted in the loss of your ability to eat and drink, and if your jaw is seriously affecting your ability to live normally, insurance companies will likely not pay for any of these procedures, because they are considered to be medically unnecessary.

When shopping for dental implants, be sure to ask about expected costs. If the procedure is considered to be medically necessary, your insurance coverage will likely pay a portion of it. However, you may also be required to pay additional costs, depending on the extent of your problem. Expect to pay at least a small percentage of your anticipated costs, and nothing more. This percentage varies from insurance company to insurance company.


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