Can Dental Implants Fall Out?

Can dental implants break or become lost during the process of installation? Dental implants are used for a variety of purposes and are considered to be among the safest and most reliable replacements available. When dental implants first came onto the market, they were revolutionary - they allowed patients with missing teeth to have healthy and natural-looking replacements that would last for decades. Today, there is no question that dental implants provide excellent prosthetics and can even improve your smile. Dental implants are a permanent solution, so it is important to consider your options carefully before choosing this cosmetic procedure.

If the actual loss of a single or multiple teeth has impacted your oral health, lifestyle, or smile, dental tooth implant provides a fantastic replacement solution. A single tooth implant incorporates a titanium abutment or screw threaded into the jawbone in order to let a dental crown is placed over the restored tooth. The abutment is attached and fixed securely to the implant, which makes it impossible for it to fall out and be lost. As long as you take care of your implants, they will provide you with a confident and natural smile for many years to come.

One of the main reasons that can dental implants break or become misplaced during the installation process is because of improper bonding of the abutment to the tooth. Many times, this occurs when the dental practitioner does not use a high enough grade of fusion or the right adhesive to secure the abutment to the tooth. Regardless of how careful you are with your oral health and hygiene, sometimes mistakes can happen. It's often best to take additional precautions by finding a dentist with a proven track record and experience using the proper methods, products, and equipment when performing dental procedures.

In addition to having a qualified and experienced dentist to perform the procedure, it is very important that you follow his or her recommended post-procedure instructions exactly. Failure to do so can lead to the loss or misplacement of your dental implants. It is imperative that you wear your protective mouthpiece or retainers during the entire time of the procedure. Failure to do so can lead to infection, which can literally turn your smile into an ugly "you've got mail" smile.

Once your implants have been properly installed, you will want to give them time to heal and properly set and fester. It is very important for patients to consult their local dentists before wearing their new dentures, especially if they suffer from root canal issues. Root canal infections can weaken the cement in dental implants, causing them to break down more quickly. Therefore, it is in your best interest to seek advice from your local dentist first. It is also suggested that you stay away from any foods or liquids that could potentially cause gum disease, such as tobacco, caffeine and alcohol.

Many people are surprised to know that a great many people experience the inability to chew their daily food properly when wearing their artificial tooth replacements. As such, it is in your best interest to consult your dentist regarding this matter. Failure to do so can lead to improper nutrient absorption and even jaw damage that can ultimately lead to the inability to chew your food properly. Following your local dentist's instructions on how to properly eat with your new dental implants will help you maintain healthy, strong chewing muscles.


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