What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is one of the newest forms of cosmetic dentistry. Clear aligners, as the name suggests, are clear plastic devices worn over your teeth in order to shift them into the desired, straight position. They provide an invisible alignment aid, allowing teeth to move into place without the obvious aid of braces or clear plastic veneers. They are extremely popular with celebrities, as many have reported great results. Invisalign's popularity is perhaps due to its simplicity and cost - they cost about as much as clear plastic bracelets. However, there are more advantages to Invisalign than simply its price and ease of use.

The main advantage to Invisalign is that it requires the least amount of treatment by a qualified orthodontist. A series of aligner "inks" the teeth in place, giving the impression of a straight smile, and the treatment itself takes less than half an hour. This means that the patient can go about their daily routine without having to worry about their teeth. Also, the aligners themselves can be removed at any time for hygiene reasons. The cost of invisalign treatments is also notably low - generally around $100 for each tooth.

However, not everyone is eligible for the low cost and convenience of invisalign treatment. If you are considering this option, you should be aware that not all teeth conditions will qualify for clear aligners. For example, patients suffering from crowding, grinding, or tongue thrusting may not be eligible for invisalign treatment. (The treatment does not work for bulges, chips, receding gums, or other such conditions.) Also, if you require a certain level of cosmetic dentistry, like crowns, implants, or other expensive dental procedures, you may not qualify for invisalign.

But that doesn't mean you can't get the treatment! Invisalign works for patients with mildly crooked teeth, as well as those with severely misaligned ones. Invisalign is a way for dentists to treat patients with minor dental problems. (Veneers and bonding, for example, are options that dentists typically use when more drastic treatments are not necessary.) While it is true that it can be difficult to overcome the psychological barriers to straightening teeth with braces, many people report that they do feel more confident in their appearance after having had invisalign treatments.

Also, unlike traditional braces, Invisalign does not require that you remove your toothbrush, toothpaste, or other cleaning materials. These materials will usually attract dirt and get in the way of the braces. After having a full Invisalign treatment, you will only need to wash your mouth before going to bed. And after you wash your mouth, you can brush your teeth again! This is a big advantage for people who cannot wear regular metal braces due to bad breath issues.

There are also advantages for patients who don't have the time to wait for a traditional braces treatment. With traditional procedures, you usually have to wait at least two weeks between procedures. This can take longer than you would like if you are already running on a busy schedule or simply don't have extra hours in your day. With Invisalign, you typically only have to wear aligners for a maximum of 22 hours at a time. This means that you won't have to worry about missing an appointment or having to work around a dentist's office - and you'll have more time to spend with your family.

Although the average cost of invisalign retainers, crowns, and other materials prescribed by dentists may be higher than what you would pay in a department store, most dentists agree that it is still much cheaper than dental braces. Invisalign retainer prices vary depending on a patient's insurance plan, location, and other factors, but most insurance plans will provide coverage for these costs. Depending on your insurance company's policy, you might even be able to buy your aligners at a discount.

If you're tired of dealing with your teeth and have decided that a complete dental treatment is not necessary anymore, then you owe it to yourself to try Invisalign. Not only is this type of braces less expensive than standard treatments, but your teeth will look more natural and will retain their normal appearance. Your dentist will no doubt be able to give you more information about Invisalign and how you should begin using it.


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