What is Cosmetic Dentist?

What is a cosmetic dentist? Cosmetic dentist is usually referred to as an oral healthcare specialist that mainly helps to improve the look of your teeth, bite and/or gums. It mainly focuses on enhancement in oral aesthetics in terms of color, size, shape, form and overall beautiful smile look. Dentists who specialize in cosmetic dentistry are very much aware of what you feel about your looks and your confidence level. The cosmetic dentists usually guide and encourage their patients in having a great smile.

Cosmetic dentistry is all about making you look beautiful. They provide tooth-whitening techniques, veneers, crowns, bridges, gum grafts, tooth extractions, orthodontics and more to improve your overall dental appeal. The cosmetic dentists are very much aware of what your needs and expectations are. In general dentistry, they use tools and equipment that are of high technology. You may be surprised to know that in a visit to a general dentist, you may not need to make an appointment for more than 5 minutes.

This means that the dentist can perform a very simple tooth whitening procedure and can get rid of stains or even chips quickly. Tooth fillings such as bonding and crowns also help in giving you a beautiful smile makeover. The crowns and bonding that the dentist uses in a tooth whitening process are of the highest quality. Crowns and bonding not only enhance the look of the teeth but also help in preventing tooth decay. These crowns are also effective in protecting your own teeth from further staining and damage.

Dental implants have grown very popular as they are very durable. However, if you are planning to get a cosmetic procedure done then you need to understand the entire procedure. There are various types of cosmetic dentistry procedures like teeth bleaching, veneers, gum contouring, teeth whitening and so forth. If you don't have a perfect set of teeth then you need to know that there is nothing that you can do about it except to wait till your teeth grow in.

However, there are many things that you can do in order to improve the condition of your teeth. One of the best and most popular things that a cosmetic dentist can do for you is porcelain inlays. These inlays are made of thin ceramic shells that look just like natural teeth. If you have sensitive teeth and cannot stand the feel of real tooth then porcelain inlays will give you the feel of wearing natural teeth. If you are fed up with false teeth then porcelain inlays are the best option for you.

Another thing that a cosmetic dentist can perform is dental crowns and dental veneers. The process of making these two things is almost the same but the process of adding crowns and veneers is a bit more complicated. In this case, false teeth are placed on top of the damaged or missing teeth. When completed properly, you will be able to notice that there is no difference between the missing teeth and the new crowns and veneers.

If you want to get a perfect smile and want to have your teeth fixed then consulting a cosmetic dentist is a must. In general dentistry there are various types of treatments that can be performed and if you want to know what is the best type of treatment then consult a cosmetic dentist. If you want to have better health then it is better to consult a cosmetic dentist as they can suggest you different ways for having a healthy smile. You can also get your teeth checked by a cosmetic dentist when you visit him or her for a regular check up.

A cosmetic dentist can also help you in the process of fixing dental structure if you don't have one yet. If your teeth are crooked then you can make them straight with the help of bonding. In this type of treatment, the enamel of the tooth is not polished and it is chipped off or ground away so that the dental structure stays intact. After this process, the enamel is polished and joined together again which results into straight teeth. The dental structure stays intact and you don't need to worry about any damage to the structure of your tooth.


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