Dental Implants and Bone Loss - Why You Should Avoid Surgery For Low Bone Conditions
Dental Implants are the answer to how to prevent bone loss. We've all seen the images on television of people who have lost a significant amount of their facial or tooth bone due to an accident, disease or severe trauma. This can lead to conditions such as bone loss, sagging gum lines and even pre-malignant conditions such as osteoporosis. It can be heartbreaking to see someone you love suffer this way and it can be a constant reminder of just how fortunate we are to live in a world where missing teeth can easily be remedied by dental implants. Although it can seem like an extreme solution to a complicated problem, it is reassuring to know that the answer is available. The first step to tackling bone loss is to take regular care of yourself. Get a checkup from your personal dental surgeon and have any problems identified and treated as soon as possible. If you smoke, stop. Smoking is one of the leading causes of losing bone and gum tissue and by quitting you will not only improve y...